能够提供的参考资料rot1 = Cycles[{{1, 3, 8, 6}, {2, 5, 7, 4}, {9, 48, 15, 12}, {10, 47,
16, 13}, {11, 46, 17, 14}}];
rot2 = Cycles[{{6, 15, 35, 26}, {7, 22, 34, 19}, {8, 30, 33, 11}, {12,
14, 29, 27}, {13, 21, 28, 20}}];
rot3 = Cycles[{{1, 12, 33, 41}, {4, 20, 36, 44}, {6, 27, 38, 46}, {9,
11, 26, 24}, {10, 19, 25, 18}}];
rot4 = Cycles[{{1, 24, 40, 17}, {2, 18, 39, 23}, {3, 9, 38, 32}, {41,
43, 48, 46}, {42, 45, 47, 44}}];
rot5 = Cycles[{{3, 43, 35, 14}, {5, 45, 37, 21}, {8, 48, 40, 29}, {15,
17, 32, 30}, {16, 23, 31, 22}}];
rot6 = Cycles[{{24, 27, 30, 43}, {25, 28, 31, 42}, {26, 29, 32,
41}, {33, 35, 40, 38}, {34, 37, 39, 36}}];
RubikGroup = PermutationGroup[{rot1, rot2, rot3, rot4, rot5, rot6}];
如何表达成rot1 rot2 rot3 rot4 rot5 rot6的形式呢? 比如交换同时交换一个面上的三个棱块,用软件知道是可能的,但是不知道如何操作.
GroupElementQ] (*检测1,5两个面之间的置换群是否能换掉三个棱(也就是上面与右面两个面来回转能否置换掉三个棱),
GroupElementQ, Cycles[{{2, 5, 7}, {47, 16, 13}}]]
GroupElementQ, Cycles[{{6,8,3},{12,15,48},{11,14,17}}]]
GroupElementQ, Cycles[{{6,8,3},{12,15,48},{11,14,17}}]]
本帖最后由 .·.·. 于 2018-11-23 19:35 编辑
mathematica 发表于 2018-11-10 17:11
测试的结 ...
rot1 = Cycles[{{1, 3, 8, 6}, {2, 5, 7, 4}, {9, 48, 15, 12}, {10, 47, 16, 13}, {11, 46, 17, 14}}];
rot2 = Cycles[{{6, 15, 35, 26}, {7, 22, 34, 19}, {8, 30, 33, 11}, {12, 14, 29, 27}, {13, 21, 28, 20}}];
rot3 = Cycles[{{1, 12, 33, 41}, {4, 20, 36, 44}, {6, 27, 38, 46}, {9, 11, 26, 24}, {10, 19, 25, 18}}];
rot4 = Cycles[{{1, 24, 40, 17}, {2, 18, 39, 23}, {3, 9, 38, 32}, {41, 43, 48, 46}, {42, 45, 47, 44}}];
rot5 = Cycles[{{3, 43, 35, 14}, {5, 45, 37, 21}, {8, 48, 40, 29}, {15, 17, 32, 30}, {16, 23, 31, 22}}];
rot6 = Cycles[{{24, 27, 30, 43}, {25, 28, 31, 42}, {26, 29, 32, 41}, {33, 35, 40, 38}, {34, 37, 39, 36}}];
RubikGroup = PermutationGroup[{rot1, rot2, rot3, rot4, rot5, rot6}];
rtm1 = PermutationProduct;
rtm5 = PermutationProduct;(*不会求逆只好这样将就了*)
GroupElementToWord, Cycles[{{2, 5, 7}, {47, 16, 13}}]] /. {1 -> "rot1", 2 -> "rot5", -1 -> "rtm1", -2 -> "rtm5"}
PermutationProduct @@ (GroupElementToWord, Cycles[{{2, 5, 7}, {47, 16, 13}}]] /. {1 -> rot1, 2 -> rot5, -1 -> rtm1, -2 -> rtm5})
Out= {"rot5", "rtm1", "rtm5", "rtm1", "rtm5", "rot1", "rot5", \
"rot1", "rot5", "rot1", "rtm5", "rtm5", "rtm1", "rtm5", "rtm1", \
"rtm5", "rot1", "rot5", "rot1", "rot5", "rot5", "rot1", "rtm5", \
"rtm5", "rtm1", "rtm5", "rot1", "rot5", "rot5", "rtm1", "rtm5", \
"rot1", "rtm5", "rtm1", "rtm5", "rot1", "rot5", "rtm1", "rot5", \
"rot1", "rot5", "rot5", "rtm1", "rtm1", "rtm5", "rtm1", "rtm5", \
"rtm1", "rot5", "rot5", "rot1", "rot5", "rot1", "rot5", "rtm1", \
"rtm5", "rot1", "rtm5", "rtm5", "rtm1", "rtm5", "rot1", "rtm5", \
"rtm5", "rtm1", "rtm5", "rot1", "rot5", "rtm1", "rot5", "rot1", "rot5"}
Out= Cycles[{{2, 5, 7}, {13, 47, 16}}]应当注意到,Mathematica只给出了一种“解法”(GroupElementToWord 使用 Minkwitz 算法)
并不能保证算出来的结果是最优的 .·.·. 发表于 2018-11-23 19:07
其实你只离目的地差一个GroupElementToWord应当注意 ...
差不多得到了我想要的答案,不过这个生成的序列实在是太长了,我原本指望发明魔方公式呢,结果这下熄火了,不过知道如何产生的总比不知道强 .·.·. 发表于 2018-11-23 19:07
其实你只离目的地差一个GroupElementToWord应当注意 ...
只具有理论价值 http://www.cube20.org/src/
也许这儿有需要的代码,但是我真的看不懂 本帖最后由 .·.·. 于 2018-11-24 15:08 编辑
mathematica 发表于 2018-11-24 09:55
来自: Sophie Z(念念不忘,必有回响) 2010-08-10 09:57:05
今天早晨的消息: Morley Davidson 、 John Dethridge 、 Herbert Kociemba 和 Tomas Rokicki 宣称,他们已经利用计算机,完美地解决了魔方问题。他们验证了,任何一种魔方的初始状态都可以在 20 步以内解出。他们将 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 种初始状态分为了 2,217,093,120 组,再利用对称性和集合覆盖将规模缩小到了 55,882,296 组。他们的程序可以在 20 秒左右求解出一组问题的解法,最终利用 Google 提供的强大的计算机,彻底解决了魔方问题。
利用组合数学,我们能够证明,存在一种魔方初始状态,它需要至少 18 步才能解决。 1995 年, Michael Reid 找到了一种最少需要 20 步才能获解的魔方初始状态,因而将魔方问题的下界提高到了 20 。此后,数学家们猜想,任意给定一个魔方的初始状态,最多 20 步就能解决。 2008 年, Tomas Rokicki 和 John Welborn 证明了,任意一个魔方初始状态都可以在 22 步以内解决。 2010 年 7 月,这个上界终于降低到了 20 ,从而完成了对魔方最优解问题数十年来的探索。
他们的程序可以在 20 秒左右求解出一组问题的解法感觉如果换人来算这个……只能说一句“死得好惨”了……
In general, just type
That should generate the programs hcoset.This program requires
about 3.4GB to run.
The first time you run one of these programs, they will take a
while and generate a large pruning table.On a fast machine
this will take about ten minutes.The pruning table this program
needs is about 680MB in size.
General usage is:
Either you can give a sequence, or you can use the -r switch
below, or you can do neither in which case it defaults to
running all 56 million cosets in the embedded cover.
A valid seq is some sequence of moves (in notation such as
R3F1U2R3U3B3F1L1F3U2---note, face in capital letters, followed
by required numeric twist of 1, 2, or 3 for each move), or it
can be a pair of numbers indicating a range of cosets to run.
This latter uses built-in information about what cosets to run
to prove 21, and then to add to that collection to prove 20.
In general, the first move should always be one of F1, F3,
R1, R3, B1, B3, L1, L3 as the other moves leave the position
in the Kociemba group and thus have no effect.
.·.·. 发表于 2018-11-24 14:41
别人用交换子或者共轭找魔方公式的,我看不懂 GitHub上有些代码,