gracias 发表于 2011-10-16 18:47:59

发一个projecteuler上的题 Strong Achilles Number

原题链接 :
A positive integer n is powerful if p2 is a divisor of n for every prime factor p in n.
A positive integer n is a perfect power if n can be expressed as a power of another positive integer.
A positive integer n is an Achilles number if n is powerful but not a perfect power. For example, 864 and 1800 are Achilles numbers: $864=2^5*3^3$ and $1800=2^3*3^2*5^2$.
We shall call a positive integer S a Strong Achilles number if both S and φ(S) are Achilles numbers.1
For example, 864 is a Strong Achilles number: $\phi(864)=288=2^5*3^2$. However, 1800 isn't a Strong Achilles number because: $\phi(1800) =480=2^5*3^1*5^1$.
There are 7 Strong Achilles numbers below 104 and 656 below 108.
How many Strong Achilles numbers are there below $10^18$?
1 φ denotes Euler's totient function.


1 th StrongAchilles number :500
2 th StrongAchilles number :864
3 th StrongAchilles number :1944
4 th StrongAchilles number :2000
5 th StrongAchilles number :2592
6 th StrongAchilles number :3456
7 th StrongAchilles number :5000

7 StrongAchilles numbers less than 10000

34 StrongAchilles numbers less than 100000

99 StrongAchilles numbers less than 1000000

260 StrongAchilles numbers less than 10000000

656 StrongAchilles numbers less than 100000000

mathe 发表于 2011-10-16 22:49:34

对于Strong Achilles Number,其最大素因子的次数至少3次,这个可以用来大大减小搜索范围

gracias 发表于 2011-10-18 21:17:09


gracias 发表于 2011-10-20 00:25:13


mathe 发表于 2011-10-21 17:03:46


gracias 发表于 2011-10-22 10:56:16

3^4*2^2 = (2*3^2)^2 不是strongachilles number:)
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查看完整版本: 发一个projecteuler上的题 Strong Achilles Number