本帖最后由 数学星空 于 2012-1-30 22:55 编辑本帖最后由 数学星空 于 2012-1-30 20:54 编辑
不知如何将图片最大化使其清晰可见,请行家帮忙处理一下.... https://bbs.emath.ac.cn/data/attachment/forum/month_1201/1201291613c152e15ba6342b1e.jpg
https://bbs.emath.ac.cn/data/attachment/forum/month_1201/12012916183702c3cbcf966677.jpg 其实凑系数结果看起来简单,得到过程还是挺困难的。这个题由于是二次型,应该可以转化为求矩阵的最大特征值问题 TO mathe:
4#的图片是如何处理的哟?? 查看了论坛帮助,使用\ 发图时,确实要注意千万别被系统“自动缩小”了,所用方法就是楼上所述(参见:帮助)。 http://static.tieba.baidu.com/tb/editor/images/jd/j_0006.gif Tourish 给出:
With the same condition, we can find the minimun value is (n+n^2)/4+sqrt((n^2*(n+1)*(2*n+1))/24) ,also a very interesting result
I created this problem when I found the following interesting result:
For thevariables real quadricsf=X^T*A*X, whereX=(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)^T and x_{1}^2+x_2^2+...+x_n^2 =1.
Thenmin{lambda_i}<=f<=max{lambda_i}, where lambda_i are the eigenvalue of matrix The proof for this conclusion is rather easy in linear algebra.
I won't write the detail here(also I don't know how to type out a matrix A ).
For this problem ,
we have A={a_{ij}}, where a_{ij}=(i+j)/2ifi!=j and a_{ij}=i if i=j .
So from the conclusion, the maximum and minimum of the expression is exactly the result given in the above.