意大利籍的宾夕法尼亚大学经济学助理教授Guido Menzio在飞机上运算一组微分方程,引起旁边乘客的怀疑并报告航班工作人员,致使航班发生延误。他在Facebook上发帖(Google镜像)谈到此番经历,表示“难以置信”,并且觉得好笑。Menzio在5月5日登上从费城飞往锡拉丘兹的航班,计划之后转机前往加拿大安大略发表一个演讲。在航班起飞前,坐在他旁边的女士递了一张纸条给客舱乘务员。她一开始是向乘务报称自己身体不适,但之后向工作人员表示,她觉得Menzio写的草稿有点可疑。http://www.solidot.org/story?sid=48137
我觉得有必要将这个经济学家的照片贴出来参考一下。草稿只是部分原因。 哈哈,腹有诗书气自华.
在草稿纸上演算一个微分方程的气场 足可以让飞机延误。
我特地看了下facebook的留言。被删除了,但google cache还在:
Flight from Philly to Syracuse goes out on the tarmac, ready to take off. The passenger sitting next to me calls the stewardess, passes her a note. The stewardess comes back asks her if she is comfortable taking off, or she is too sick. We wait more. We go back to the gate. The passenger exits. We wait more. The pilot comes to me and asks me out of the plane. There I am met by some FBI looking man-in-black. They ask me about my neighbor. I tell them I noticed nothing strange. They tell me she thought I was a terrorist because I was writing strange things on a pad of paper. I laugh. I bring them back to the plane. I showed them my math.
It's a bit funny. It's a bit worrisome. The lady just looked at me, looked at my writing of mysterious formulae, and concluded I was up to no good. Because of that an entire flight was delayed by 1.5 hours.
Trump's America is already here. It's not yet in power though. Personally, I will fight back.