northwolves 发表于 2008-1-25 11:25:07

2007/8 British Mathematical Olympiad

Round 1: Friday, 30 November 2007

1) Find the value of


2) Find all solutions in positive integers x,y,z to the simultaneous equations.


3) Let ABC be a triangle with an obtuse angle at A. Let Q be a point (other than A,B, or C) on the circumcircle of the triangle, on the same side chord BC as A, and let P be the other end of the diameter through Q. Let V and W be the feet of the perpendiculars from Q onto CA and AB respectively. Prove that the triangle PBC and AWV are similar. (Note: the circumcircle of the triangle ABC is the circle which passes through the vertices A,B and C.)

4) Let S be a subset of the set of numbers {1,2,3,...,2008} which consists of 756 distinct numbers. Show that there are two distinct elements a,b of S such that a+b is divisible by 8.

5)Let P be an internal point of the triangle ABC. The line through P parallel to AB meets BC at L, the line through P parallel to BC meets CA at M, and the line through P parallel to CA meets AB at N. Prove that
BL/LC X CM/MA X AN/NB (is equal or smaller than) 1/8
and locate the position of P in the triangle ABC when equality holds.

6) The function f is defined on the set of positive integers by f(1)=1, f(2n)=2f(n) and nf(2n+1)=(2n+1)(f(n)+n) for all values where n is equal or bigger than 1.
(i) Prove that f(n) is always an integer.
(ii) For how many positive integers less than 2007 is f(n)=2n

mathe 发表于 2008-1-25 15:25:49


gxqcn 发表于 2008-1-27 12:29:13


令 a=2007,则
原式 = [ 14 + a4 + ( 1 + a )4 ] / [ 12 + a2 + ( 1 + a )2 ]
   = 1 + a + a2 = 4030057

troy 发表于 2008-1-28 22:47:34

2) 已知x,y,z都是正整数,
   i)x-12=1, y-12=66, 此时x=13,y=78,z=13+78-12=79
   ii) x-12=-1,y-12=-66,此时y=-54<0,不符合要求,舍去
   iii)x-12=6, y-12=11, 此时x=18,y=23,z=18+23-12=29
   iv) x-12=-6,y-12=-11 此时x=6, y=1 ,z=6+1-12=-5<0,不符合要求,舍去
   v)x-12=2, y-12=33, 此时x=14,y=45,z=14+45-12=47
   vi) x-12=3, y-12=22, 此时x=15,y=34,z=15+34-12=37
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