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楼主 |
发表于 2009-2-18 09:13:16
- double lbc_b32[] = {0.0,4294967296.0};
- //实验证明zero5不能大于0.49999999999636
- double zero5= 0.49999999999636;;
- __declspec(naked)
- DWORD __fastcall iSqrt_FPU1_lbc(DWORD n)
- {
- __asm
- {
- push ecx
- shr ecx, 31
- fld qword ptr [lbc_b32 + ecx * 8]
- fild dword ptr [esp]
- faddp st(1),st
- fsqrt
- fsub qword ptr [zero5]
- fistp dword ptr [esp]
- pop eax
- ret
- }
- }
- __declspec(naked)
- DWORD __fastcall iSqrt_FPU2_lbc(DWORD n)
- {
- __asm
- {
- or ecx,ecx
- jnz next00
- mov eax,0
- ret
- next00:
- push ecx
- shr ecx, 31
- fld qword ptr [lbc_b32 + ecx * 8]
- fild dword ptr [esp]
- faddp st(1),st
- fsqrt
- fstp qword ptr [esp-8]
- fwait
- mov ecx,dword ptr [esp-4]
- mov edx,0xfff00000
- mov eax,0xfffff
- and edx,ecx //阶码
- and eax,ecx //尾数
- shr edx,20 //得到阶段码
- add eax,0x100000 //设置位数最高有效位
- mov ecx,1043
- sub ecx,edx
- shr eax,cl //得到整数
- pop ecx
- ret
- }
- }
- __declspec(naked)
- DWORD __fastcall iSqrt_FPU3_lbc(DWORD n)
- {
- __asm
- {
- push ecx
- shr ecx, 31
- fld qword ptr [lbc_b32 + ecx * 8]
- fild dword ptr [esp]
- faddp st(1),st
- fsqrt
- //设置FPU的取整方式 为了直接使用fistp浮点指令
- FNSTCW [esp-4] // 保存协处理器控制字,用来恢复
- mov word ptr [esp-6], 0x0E60 //截断, 64位浮点
- FLDCW [esp-6] // 载入协处理器控制字,RC场已经修改
- fistp dword ptr [esp] //恢复FPU的取整方式
- FLDCW [esp-4]
- pop eax
- ret
- }
- }
- double b32[] = {0.0,4294967296.0};
- __declspec(naked)
- DWORD __fastcall iSqrt_FPU_yaos(DWORD n)
- {
- __asm
- {
- push ecx
- sub esp, 4
- mov word ptr [esp], 0x0E60
- fnstcw word ptr [esp + 2]
- mov eax, ecx
- shr eax, 31
- fld qword ptr [b32 + eax * 8]
- fild dword ptr [esp + 4]
- faddp st(1), st
- fsqrt
- fldcw word ptr [esp]
- fistp dword ptr [esp + 4]
- fldcw word ptr [esp + 2]
- mov eax, [esp + 4]
- add esp, 8
- ret
- }
- }
- __declspec(naked)
- DWORD __fastcall iSqrt_FPU1_yaos(DWORD n)
- {
- __asm
- {
- push ecx
- mov eax, ecx
- shr eax, 31
- fld qword ptr [b32 + eax * 8]
- fild dword ptr [esp]
- faddp st(1), st
- fsqrt
- fisttp dword ptr [esp]
- fwait
- pop eax
- ret
- }
- }
- __declspec(naked)
- DWORD __fastcall iSqrt_FPU2_yaos(DWORD n)
- {
- __asm
- {
- push ecx
- mov eax, ecx
- and eax, 0x80000000
- shr eax, 31
- fld qword ptr [b32 + eax * 8]
- fild dword ptr [esp]
- faddp st(1), st
- fsqrt
- sub esp, 8
- fstp qword ptr [esp]
- fwait
- mov edx, dword ptr [esp + 4]
- mov eax, edx
- and edx,0x7ff00000
- and eax,0xfffff
- shr edx, 20
- or eax, 0x100000
- xchg ecx, edx
- sub ecx, 1043
- neg ecx
- shr eax, cl
- xchg edx, ecx
- add esp, 12
- or ecx, ecx
- cmove eax, ecx
- ret
- }
- }
复制代码 完全测试
n: 0-0x10000
iSqt_FPU1_lbc#: 0.00234 s
iSqt_FPU2_lbc#: 0.00234 s
iSqt_FPU3_lbc#: 0.00234 s
iSqt_FPU_yaos#: 0.00234 s
iSqt_FPU1_yaos#: 0.00235 s
iSqt_FPU2_yaos#: 0.00234 s
n: 0-0x10000000
iSqt_FPU1_lbc#: 9.62084 s
iSqt_FPU2_lbc#: 9.64661 s
iSqt_FPU3_lbc#: 9.62920 s
iSqt_FPU_yaos#: 9.61824 s
iSqt_FPU1_yaos#: 9.62351 s
iSqt_FPU2_yaos#: 9.61847 s
iSqrt_FPU1_yaos是SSE3指令 |