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[欣赏] 发一个变态的卡米歇尔强伪素数

发表于 2019-2-24 13:54:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
 楼主| 发表于 2019-2-24 14:13:31 | 显示全部楼层
mathematica 发表于 2019-2-24 09:33
这是我重新写的miller rabin算法的代码,又简化了!

  1. Clear["Global`*"];
  2. n=2887148238050771212671429597130393991977609459279722700926516024197432\
  3. 3037991527331163289831446392259419778031109293496555784189494417409338\
  4. 0561511397999942154241693397290542371100275104208013496673175515285922\
  5. 6962916775325475044445856101949404200039904432116776619949629539250452\
  6. 6987193290703735640322737012784538991261203092448414947289768854060249\
  7. 76768122077071687938121709811322297802059565867;
  8. (*miller rabin子函数*)
  9. MR[n0_,a0_]:=Module[{n=n0,a=a0,s,m,t1,k},
  10.     s=0;m=n-1;While[Mod[m,2]==0,m=m/2;s=s+1];
  11.     t1=PowerMod[a,m,n];
  12.     If[t1==1,Return[True]];
  13.     k=0;While[k<s-1&&t1!=n-1,k=k+1;t1=Mod[t1^2,n]];
  14.     If[t1==n-1,Return[True],Return[False]]
  15. ]
  16. Do[Print[{k,MR[n,k]}],{k,1,307}]

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  2. {2,True}
  3. {3,True}
  4. {4,True}
  5. {5,True}
  6. {6,True}
  7. {7,True}
  8. {8,True}
  9. {9,True}
  10. {10,True}
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毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
 楼主| 发表于 2019-2-24 14:14:29 | 显示全部楼层
https://bbs.emath.ac.cn/forum.ph ... 734&fromuid=865
毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
 楼主| 发表于 2019-2-24 15:06:53 | 显示全部楼层


补充内容 (2019-2-26 08:43):
毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
发表于 2019-2-24 16:59:08 | 显示全部楼层


好可乐  发表于 2019-2-24 17:10
蛤蛤蛤  发表于 2019-2-24 17:10
毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
 楼主| 发表于 2019-2-25 08:20:23 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mathematica 于 2019-2-25 08:21 编辑

毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
发表于 2019-2-25 18:38:32 | 显示全部楼层
mathematica 发表于 2019-2-24 15:06
296744956686855105501541746429053327307719917998530 ...
  1. Mon Feb 25 18:30:41 2019  Msieve v. 1.53 (SVN 1005)
  2. Mon Feb 25 18:30:41 2019  random seeds: 2a1e3eb8 e2eb3fca
  3. Mon Feb 25 18:30:41 2019  factoring 1636495392239207718177312678502649525872728282432804018087459744908459964833736974107706808081469858029401318407268091150133 (124 digits)
  4. Mon Feb 25 18:30:42 2019  searching for 15-digit factors
  5. Mon Feb 25 18:30:42 2019  commencing quadratic sieve (124-digit input)
  6. Mon Feb 25 18:30:43 2019  using multiplier of 1
  7. Mon Feb 25 18:30:43 2019  using generic 32kb sieve core
  8. Mon Feb 25 18:30:43 2019  sieve interval: 96 blocks of size 32768
  9. Mon Feb 25 18:30:43 2019  processing polynomials in batches of 3
  10. Mon Feb 25 18:30:43 2019  using a sieve bound of 14643449 (475000 primes)
  11. Mon Feb 25 18:30:43 2019  using large prime bound of 2196517350 (31 bits)
  12. Mon Feb 25 18:30:43 2019  using double large prime bound of 65331457041037350 (48-56 bits)
  13. Mon Feb 25 18:30:43 2019  using trial factoring cutoff of 56 bits
  14. Mon Feb 25 18:30:43 2019  polynomial 'A' values have 15 factors
  15. Mon Feb 25 18:37:02 2019  5 relations (5 full + 0 combined from 552 partial), need 475096
  16. Mon Feb 25 18:37:02 2019  elapsed time 00:06:21

毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
发表于 2019-2-25 21:29:27 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 .·.·. 于 2019-2-26 02:33 编辑

mathematica 发表于 2019-2-24 15:06
296744956686855105501541746429053327307719917998530 ...

found factor = 877450288288670004098523859
2756 relations (2494 full + 262 combined from 156862 partial), need 85978

  1. Mon Feb 25 21:41:10 2019  
  2. Mon Feb 25 21:41:10 2019  
  3. Mon Feb 25 21:41:10 2019  Msieve v. 1.53 (SVN 1005)
  4. Mon Feb 25 21:41:10 2019  random seeds: 6ffdf664 9aae7fb8
  5. Mon
  6. Feb 25 21:41:10 2019  factoring
  7. 1865057672305216124413628970755133463269286868337470113025947146973580889611152889335486074601687
  8. (97 digits)
  9. Mon Feb 25 21:41:10 2019  searching for 15-digit factors
  10. Mon Feb 25 21:41:11 2019  commencing quadratic sieve (97-digit input)
  11. Mon Feb 25 21:41:11 2019  using multiplier of 3
  12. Mon Feb 25 21:41:11 2019  using generic 32kb sieve core
  13. Mon Feb 25 21:41:11 2019  sieve interval: 36 blocks of size 32768
  14. Mon Feb 25 21:41:11 2019  processing polynomials in batches of 6
  15. Mon Feb 25 21:41:11 2019  using a sieve bound of 2331599 (85882 primes)
  16. Mon Feb 25 21:41:11 2019  using large prime bound of 349739850 (28 bits)
  17. Mon Feb 25 21:41:11 2019  using double large prime bound of 2391889720101900 (43-52 bits)
  18. Mon Feb 25 21:41:11 2019  using trial factoring cutoff of 52 bits
  19. Mon Feb 25 21:41:11 2019  polynomial 'A' values have 13 factors
  20. Tue Feb 26 02:16:31 2019  86444 relations (20669 full + 65775 combined from 1299346 partial), need 85978
  21. Tue Feb 26 02:16:32 2019  begin with 1320015 relations
  22. Tue Feb 26 02:16:33 2019  reduce to 227228 relations in 11 passes
  23. Tue Feb 26 02:16:33 2019  attempting to read 227228 relations
  24. Tue Feb 26 02:16:35 2019  recovered 227228 relations
  25. Tue Feb 26 02:16:35 2019  recovered 214747 polynomials
  26. Tue Feb 26 02:16:35 2019  attempting to build 86444 cycles
  27. Tue Feb 26 02:16:35 2019  found 86444 cycles in 6 passes
  28. Tue Feb 26 02:16:35 2019  distribution of cycle lengths:
  29. Tue Feb 26 02:16:35 2019     length 1 : 20669
  30. Tue Feb 26 02:16:35 2019     length 2 : 14862
  31. Tue Feb 26 02:16:35 2019     length 3 : 14475
  32. Tue Feb 26 02:16:35 2019     length 4 : 11726
  33. Tue Feb 26 02:16:35 2019     length 5 : 9005
  34. Tue Feb 26 02:16:35 2019     length 6 : 6099
  35. Tue Feb 26 02:16:35 2019     length 7 : 3974
  36. Tue Feb 26 02:16:35 2019     length 9+: 5634
  37. Tue Feb 26 02:16:35 2019  largest cycle: 20 relations
  38. Tue Feb 26 02:16:36 2019  matrix is 85882 x 86444 (25.0 MB) with weight 5849567 (67.67/col)
  39. Tue Feb 26 02:16:36 2019  sparse part has weight 5849567 (67.67/col)
  40. Tue Feb 26 02:16:37 2019  filtering completed in 3 passes
  41. Tue Feb 26 02:16:37 2019  matrix is 82107 x 82171 (23.7 MB) with weight 5554996 (67.60/col)
  42. Tue Feb 26 02:16:37 2019  sparse part has weight 5554996 (67.60/col)
  43. Tue Feb 26 02:16:37 2019  saving the first 48 matrix rows for later
  44. Tue Feb 26 02:16:37 2019  matrix includes 64 packed rows
  45. Tue Feb 26 02:16:37 2019  matrix is 82059 x 82171 (15.6 MB) with weight 4447022 (54.12/col)
  46. Tue Feb 26 02:16:37 2019  sparse part has weight 3255824 (39.62/col)
  47. Tue Feb 26 02:16:37 2019  using block size 8192 and superblock size 884736 for processor cache size 9216 kB
  48. Tue Feb 26 02:16:38 2019  commencing Lanczos iteration
  49. Tue Feb 26 02:16:38 2019  memory use: 9.9 MB
  50. Tue Feb 26 02:16:57 2019  linear algebra at 58.6%, ETA 0h 0m
  51. Tue Feb 26 02:17:09 2019  lanczos halted after 1299 iterations (dim = 82057)
  52. Tue Feb 26 02:17:09 2019  recovered 16 nontrivial dependencies
  53. Tue Feb 26 02:17:10 2019  p42 factor: 179951404407700053508335546465851287509301
  54. Tue Feb 26 02:17:10 2019  p56 factor: 10364229601007831878377902195192125938721193826116042587
  55. Tue Feb 26 02:17:10 2019  elapsed time 04:36:00


你分解了四个半小时呀,真难为你了!  发表于 2019-2-26 08:42
你分解了四个半小时呀,真难为你了!  发表于 2019-2-26 08:42
你分解了四个半小时呀,真难为你了!  发表于 2019-2-26 08:41
我也想学会用pari/gp过滤出小的因子!  发表于 2019-2-26 08:38
877450288288670004098523859这个27的因子如何用pari/gp得到的?  发表于 2019-2-26 08:38
毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
 楼主| 发表于 2019-2-26 08:56:13 | 显示全部楼层
.·.·. 发表于 2019-2-25 21:29
found factor = 877450288288670004098523859

毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
发表于 2019-2-26 14:04:32 | 显示全部楼层
mathematica 发表于 2019-2-26 08:56

毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
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