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[提问] 如何在win7系统上运行GMP-ECM这个软件?

发表于 2020-7-9 10:11:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
发表于 2020-7-9 14:01:52 | 显示全部楼层


make install


这东西没有cmake list,不太好改
毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-9 14:37:38 | 显示全部楼层
.·.·. 发表于 2020-7-9 14:01

毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-9 15:02:22 | 显示全部楼层
.·.·. 发表于 2020-7-9 14:01

毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-10 13:09:31 | 显示全部楼层
mathematica 发表于 2020-7-9 15:02

17 29 173是三个小因子
毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
发表于 2020-7-11 03:58:33 | 显示全部楼层
mathematica 发表于 2020-7-10 13:09

factorint(10^100+13,11)//用于分解小因子,11的意思是只用Pollard-Brent Rho and Shanks SQUFOF,Pollard-Brent Rho针对小因子有奇效,但大因子不适用。
03:50:56> factorint(10^100+13,11)
time = 879 ms.
%1 =
[                                                                                            17 1]

[                                                                                            29 2]

[                                                                                           173 1]

[4043048766041301360364618309916668721883122737661524852014307540973266957254058311275133107273 1]
  *** factorint: Warning: MPQS: factoring this number will take several hours:
N = 4043048766041301360364618309916668721883122737661524852014307540973266957254058311275133107273.
毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
发表于 2020-7-11 04:32:17 | 显示全部楼层
mathematica 发表于 2020-7-9 14:37



Note that it is a good idea to remove small prime
factors using special-purpose algorithms such as trial division, P-1, P+1,
or ECM, and use CADO-NFS only for the remaining composite factor.


毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
发表于 2020-7-11 05:25:34 | 显示全部楼层
mathematica 发表于 2020-7-9 15:02



  1. neutron@Neutron:/me/cado-nfs/cado-nfs$ ./cado-nfs.py 4043048766041301360364618309916668721883122737661524852014307540973266957254058311275133107273
  2. Info:root: Using default parameter file ./parameters/factor/params.c95
  3. Info:root: No database exists yet
  4. Info:root: Created temporary directory /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1
  5. Info:Database: Opened connection to database /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.db
  6. Info:root: Set tasks.linalg.bwc.threads=6 based on detected physical cores
  7. Info:root: Set tasks.threads=12 based on detected logical cpus
  8. Info:root: tasks.threads = 12 [via tasks.threads]
  9. Info:root: tasks.polyselect.threads = 2 [via tasks.polyselect.threads]
  10. Info:root: tasks.sieve.las.threads = 2 [via tasks.sieve.las.threads]
  11. Info:root: tasks.linalg.bwc.threads = 6 [via tasks.linalg.bwc.threads]
  12. Info:root: tasks.sqrt.threads = 8 [via tasks.sqrt.threads]
  13. Info:root: slaves.scriptpath is /me/cado-nfs/cado-nfs
  14. Info:root: Command line parameters: ./cado-nfs.py 4043048766041301360364618309916668721883122737661524852014307540973266957254058311275133107273
  15. Info:root: If this computation gets interrupted, it can be resumed with ./cado-nfs.py /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.parameters_snapshot.0
  16. Info:Server Launcher: Adding Neutron to whitelist to allow clients on localhost to connect
  17. Info:HTTP server: Using non-threaded HTTPS server
  18. Info:HTTP server: Using whitelist: localhost,Neutron
  19. Info:Lattice Sieving: param rels_wanted is 0
  20. Info:Complete Factorization / Discrete logarithm: Factoring 4043048766041301360364618309916668721883122737661524852014307540973266957254058311275133107273
  21. Info:HTTP server: serving at https://Neutron:44353 (
  22. Info:HTTP server: For debugging purposes, the URL above can be accessed if the server.only_registered=False parameter is added
  23. Info:HTTP server: You can start additional cado-nfs-client.py scripts with parameters: --server=https://Neutron:44353 --certsha1=ba1b1900f2e81f5cf34c98e9c615996631fdb4e3
  24. Info:HTTP server: If you want to start additional clients, remember to add their hosts to server.whitelist
  25. Info:Client Launcher: Starting client id localhost on host localhost
  26. Info:Client Launcher: Starting client id localhost+2 on host localhost
  27. Info:Client Launcher: Starting client id localhost+3 on host localhost
  28. Info:Client Launcher: Starting client id localhost+4 on host localhost
  29. Info:Client Launcher: Starting client id localhost+5 on host localhost
  30. Info:Client Launcher: Starting client id localhost+6 on host localhost
  31. Info:Client Launcher: Running clients: localhost (Host localhost, PID 296734), localhost+2 (Host localhost, PID 296736), localhost+3 (Host localhost, PID 296738), localhost+4 (Host localhost, PID 296740), localhost+5 (Host localhost, PID 296742), localhost+6 (Host localhost, PID 296744)
  32. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Starting
  33. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): 0 polynomials in queue from previous run
  34. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Adding workunit c95_polyselect1_0-10000 to database
  35. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Adding workunit c95_polyselect1_10000-20000 to database
  36. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Adding workunit c95_polyselect1_20000-30000 to database
  37. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Adding workunit c95_polyselect1_30000-40000 to database
  38. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Adding workunit c95_polyselect1_40000-50000 to database
  39. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Adding workunit c95_polyselect1_50000-60000 to database
  40. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Adding workunit c95_polyselect1_60000-70000 to database
  41. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Adding workunit c95_polyselect1_70000-80000 to database
  42. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_polyselect1_0-10000 to client localhost
  43. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_polyselect1_10000-20000 to client localhost+2
  44. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_polyselect1_20000-30000 to client localhost+3
  45. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_polyselect1_30000-40000 to client localhost+4
  46. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_polyselect1_40000-50000 to client localhost+5
  47. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_polyselect1_50000-60000 to client localhost+6
  48. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_polyselect1_60000-70000 to client localhost
  49. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_polyselect1_70000-80000 to client localhost+3
  50. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Parsed 520 polynomials, added 113 to priority queue (has 40)
  51. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Worst polynomial in queue now has exp_E 28.790000
  52. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Marking workunit c95_polyselect1_0-10000 as ok (12.5% => ETA Unknown)
  53. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Parsed 615 polynomials, added 9 to priority queue (has 40)
  54. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Worst polynomial in queue now has exp_E 28.720000
  55. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Marking workunit c95_polyselect1_10000-20000 as ok (25.0% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:07:09 2020)
  56. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Parsed 597 polynomials, added 5 to priority queue (has 40)
  57. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Worst polynomial in queue now has exp_E 28.680000
  58. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Marking workunit c95_polyselect1_20000-30000 as ok (37.5% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:06:16 2020)
  59. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Parsed 601 polynomials, added 3 to priority queue (has 40)
  60. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Worst polynomial in queue now has exp_E 28.670000
  61. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Marking workunit c95_polyselect1_30000-40000 as ok (50.0% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:05:58 2020)
  62. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Parsed 628 polynomials, added 1 to priority queue (has 40)
  63. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Worst polynomial in queue now has exp_E 28.660000
  64. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Marking workunit c95_polyselect1_40000-50000 as ok (62.5% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:05:51 2020)
  65. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Parsed 633 polynomials, added 0 to priority queue (has 40)
  66. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Marking workunit c95_polyselect1_50000-60000 as ok (75.0% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:05:45 2020)
  67. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Parsed 605 polynomials, added 1 to priority queue (has 40)
  68. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Worst polynomial in queue now has exp_E 28.650000
  69. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Marking workunit c95_polyselect1_60000-70000 as ok (87.5% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:05:51 2020)
  70. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Parsed 617 polynomials, added 0 to priority queue (has 40)
  71. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Marking workunit c95_polyselect1_70000-80000 as ok (100.0% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:05:47 2020)
  72. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Finished
  73. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Aggregate statistics:
  74. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): potential collisions: 7181.67
  75. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): raw lognorm (nr/min/av/max/std): 7275/31.220/36.147/41.860/1.339
  76. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): optimized lognorm (nr/min/av/max/std): 4816/30.080/34.055/37.730/1.095
  77. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Total time: 176.19
  78. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Starting
  79. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): No polynomial was previously found
  80. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Adding workunit c95_polyselect2_0 to database
  81. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Adding workunit c95_polyselect2_6 to database
  82. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Adding workunit c95_polyselect2_12 to database
  83. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Adding workunit c95_polyselect2_18 to database
  84. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Adding workunit c95_polyselect2_24 to database
  85. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Adding workunit c95_polyselect2_30 to database
  86. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Adding workunit c95_polyselect2_36 to database
  87. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_polyselect2_0 to client localhost+4
  88. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_polyselect2_6 to client localhost+5
  89. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_polyselect2_12 to client localhost+6
  90. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_polyselect2_18 to client localhost+4
  91. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_polyselect2_24 to client localhost+5
  92. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_polyselect2_30 to client localhost+6
  93. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): New best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.z248zocx.opt_0: Murphy E = 8.614e-06
  94. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.z248zocx.opt_0 with E=7.466e-06 is no better than current best with E=8.614e-06
  95. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.z248zocx.opt_0 with E=8.280e-06 is no better than current best with E=8.614e-06
  96. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): New best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.z248zocx.opt_0: Murphy E = 8.987e-06
  97. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.z248zocx.opt_0 with E=5.843e-06 is no better than current best with E=8.987e-06
  98. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): New best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.z248zocx.opt_0: Murphy E = 9.122e-06
  99. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Marking workunit c95_polyselect2_0 as ok (10.0% => ETA Unknown)
  100. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): New best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.49rjcwz2.opt_6: Murphy E = 9.470e-06
  101. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.49rjcwz2.opt_6 with E=8.862e-06 is no better than current best with E=9.470e-06
  102. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.49rjcwz2.opt_6 with E=8.194e-06 is no better than current best with E=9.470e-06
  103. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.49rjcwz2.opt_6 with E=8.907e-06 is no better than current best with E=9.470e-06
  104. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.49rjcwz2.opt_6 with E=9.236e-06 is no better than current best with E=9.470e-06
  105. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.49rjcwz2.opt_6 with E=7.668e-06 is no better than current best with E=9.470e-06
  106. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Marking workunit c95_polyselect2_6 as ok (25.0% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:06:29 2020)
  107. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.04ieenia.opt_12 with E=8.006e-06 is no better than current best with E=9.470e-06
  108. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.04ieenia.opt_12 with E=8.616e-06 is no better than current best with E=9.470e-06
  109. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): New best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.04ieenia.opt_12: Murphy E = 1.045e-05
  110. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.04ieenia.opt_12 with E=7.387e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.045e-05
  111. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.04ieenia.opt_12 with E=6.625e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.045e-05
  112. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): New best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.04ieenia.opt_12: Murphy E = 1.057e-05
  113. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Marking workunit c95_polyselect2_12 as ok (40.0% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:06:08 2020)
  114. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_polyselect2_36 to client localhost
  115. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.uiwv0cyp.opt_30 with E=8.017e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  116. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.uiwv0cyp.opt_30 with E=8.479e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  117. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.uiwv0cyp.opt_30 with E=7.580e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  118. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.uiwv0cyp.opt_30 with E=9.049e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  119. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.uiwv0cyp.opt_30 with E=7.971e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  120. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.uiwv0cyp.opt_30 with E=7.153e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  121. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Marking workunit c95_polyselect2_30 as ok (55.0% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:06:09 2020)
  122. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.5oy4mnm1.opt_18 with E=7.194e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  123. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.5oy4mnm1.opt_18 with E=9.691e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  124. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.5oy4mnm1.opt_18 with E=9.240e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  125. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.5oy4mnm1.opt_18 with E=9.115e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  126. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.5oy4mnm1.opt_18 with E=8.402e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  127. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.5oy4mnm1.opt_18 with E=9.704e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  128. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Marking workunit c95_polyselect2_18 as ok (70.0% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:06:05 2020)
  129. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.iq58k60f.opt_24 with E=7.061e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  130. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.iq58k60f.opt_24 with E=6.975e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  131. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.iq58k60f.opt_24 with E=8.334e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  132. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.iq58k60f.opt_24 with E=9.465e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  133. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.iq58k60f.opt_24 with E=7.678e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  134. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.iq58k60f.opt_24 with E=8.839e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  135. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Marking workunit c95_polyselect2_24 as ok (85.0% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:06:03 2020)
  136. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.f29fovkm.opt_36 with E=7.966e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  137. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.f29fovkm.opt_36 with E=8.009e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  138. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.f29fovkm.opt_36 with E=7.764e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  139. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.polyselect2.f29fovkm.opt_36 with E=7.413e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.057e-05
  140. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Marking workunit c95_polyselect2_36 as ok (100.0% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:06:00 2020)
  141. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Kept 18 polynomials with MurphyE from 1.057e-05 to 8.479e-06
  142. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Polynomial /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.poly.0 had MurphyE 1.057e-05, refined to 1.064e-05
  143. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Polynomial /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.poly.1 had MurphyE 1.045e-05, refined to 1.052e-05
  144. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Polynomial /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.poly.2 had MurphyE 9.704e-06, refined to 9.640e-06
  145. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Polynomial /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.poly.3 had MurphyE 9.691e-06, refined to 9.812e-06
  146. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Polynomial /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.poly.4 had MurphyE 9.470e-06, refined to 9.294e-06
  147. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Polynomial /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.poly.5 had MurphyE 9.465e-06, refined to 9.414e-06
  148. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Polynomial /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.poly.6 had MurphyE 9.240e-06, refined to 9.217e-06
  149. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Polynomial /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.poly.7 had MurphyE 9.236e-06, refined to 9.277e-06
  150. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Polynomial /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.poly.8 had MurphyE 9.122e-06, refined to 9.024e-06
  151. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Polynomial /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.poly.9 had MurphyE 9.115e-06, refined to 9.286e-06
  152. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Polynomial /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.poly.10 had MurphyE 9.049e-06, refined to 8.978e-06
  153. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Polynomial /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.poly.11 had MurphyE 8.987e-06, refined to 9.046e-06
  154. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Polynomial /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.poly.12 had MurphyE 8.907e-06, refined to 9.002e-06
  155. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Polynomial /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.poly.13 had MurphyE 8.862e-06, refined to 8.837e-06
  156. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Polynomial /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.poly.14 had MurphyE 8.839e-06, refined to 8.940e-06
  157. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Polynomial /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.poly.15 had MurphyE 8.616e-06, refined to 8.558e-06
  158. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Polynomial /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.poly.16 had MurphyE 8.614e-06, refined to 8.568e-06
  159. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Polynomial /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.poly.17 had MurphyE 8.479e-06, refined to 8.463e-06
  160. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial is /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.poly.0
  161. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Finished, best polynomial has Murphy_E = 1.057e-05
  162. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial is:
  163. n: 4043048766041301360364618309916668721883122737661524852014307540973266957254058311275133107273
  164. skew: 586757.057
  165. c0: 167833142249053788024631318
  166. c1: 675805699266690989591
  167. c2: -1862229666259174
  168. c3: -609680960
  169. c4: 2100
  170. Y0: -59812072184198973477603
  171. Y1: 24822887252150413
  172. # MurphyE (Bf=3.355e+07,Bg=1.678e+07,area=4.194e+11) = 1.057e-05
  173. # f(x) = 2100*x^4-609680960*x^3-1862229666259174*x^2+675805699266690989591*x+167833142249053788024631318
  174. # g(x) = 24822887252150413*x-59812072184198973477603

  175. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best overall polynomial was 21-th in list after size optimization
  176. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Aggregate statistics:
  177. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Total time: 74.35
  178. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Rootsieve time: 58.47
  179. Info:Generate Factor Base: Starting
  180. Info:Generate Factor Base: Finished
  181. Info:Generate Factor Base: Total cpu/real time for makefb: 1.39/0.231279
  182. Info:Generate Free Relations: Starting
  183. Info:Generate Free Relations: Found 45062 free relations
  184. Info:Generate Free Relations: Finished
  185. Info:Generate Free Relations: Total cpu/real time for freerel: 375.52/58.9282
  186. Info:Lattice Sieving: Starting
  187. Info:Lattice Sieving: We want 2385344 relation(s)
  188. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_200000-210000 to database
  189. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_210000-220000 to database
  190. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_220000-230000 to database
  191. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_230000-240000 to database
  192. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_240000-250000 to database
  193. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_250000-260000 to database
  194. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_260000-270000 to database
  195. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_270000-280000 to database
  196. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_280000-290000 to database
  197. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_290000-300000 to database
  198. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_200000-210000 to client localhost
  199. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_300000-310000 to database
  200. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_210000-220000 to client localhost+3
  201. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_220000-230000 to client localhost+2
  202. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_230000-240000 to client localhost+6
  203. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_310000-320000 to database
  204. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_320000-330000 to database
  205. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_330000-340000 to database
  206. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_240000-250000 to client localhost+4
  207. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_250000-260000 to client localhost+5
  208. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_340000-350000 to database
  209. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_350000-360000 to database
  210. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_260000-270000 to client localhost
  211. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_360000-370000 to database
  212. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 66115 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.200000-210000.j8eexx1t.gz', total is now 66115/2385344
  213. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_200000-210000 as ok (2.8% => ETA Unknown)
  214. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_270000-280000 to client localhost+6
  215. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_370000-380000 to database
  216. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 64285 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.230000-240000.bzc6lg_9.gz', total is now 130400/2385344
  217. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_230000-240000 as ok (5.5% => ETA Sat Jul 11 06:06:38 2020)
  218. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_280000-290000 to client localhost+3
  219. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_380000-390000 to database
  220. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 68658 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.210000-220000.4mapnqd4.gz', total is now 199058/2385344
  221. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_210000-220000 as ok (8.3% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:37:00 2020)
  222. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_290000-300000 to client localhost+2
  223. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_390000-400000 to database
  224. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 68071 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.220000-230000.2i6a698z.gz', total is now 267129/2385344
  225. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_220000-230000 as ok (11.2% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:27:02 2020)
  226. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_300000-310000 to client localhost+5
  227. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_400000-410000 to database
  228. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 66600 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.250000-260000.2b5g4w3m.gz', total is now 333729/2385344
  229. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_250000-260000 as ok (14.0% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:22:37 2020)
  230. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_310000-320000 to client localhost+4
  231. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_410000-420000 to database
  232. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 70961 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.240000-250000.a8o34jn8.gz', total is now 404690/2385344
  233. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_240000-250000 as ok (17.0% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:19:48 2020)
  234. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_320000-330000 to client localhost
  235. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_420000-430000 to database
  236. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 70572 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.260000-270000.jrbls6uk.gz', total is now 475262/2385344
  237. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_260000-270000 as ok (19.9% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:23:11 2020)
  238. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_330000-340000 to client localhost+6
  239. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_430000-440000 to database
  240. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 62524 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.270000-280000.23zaj1pq.gz', total is now 537786/2385344
  241. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_270000-280000 as ok (22.5% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:23:00 2020)
  242. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_340000-350000 to client localhost+2
  243. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_440000-450000 to database
  244. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 61755 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.290000-300000.1pikuny6.gz', total is now 599541/2385344
  245. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_290000-300000 as ok (25.1% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:21:26 2020)
  246. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_350000-360000 to client localhost+3
  247. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_450000-460000 to database
  248. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 68880 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.280000-290000.uqta28gl.gz', total is now 668421/2385344
  249. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_280000-290000 as ok (28.0% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:20:18 2020)
  250. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_360000-370000 to client localhost+5
  251. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_460000-470000 to database
  252. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 69178 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.300000-310000.6dj_0z_p.gz', total is now 737599/2385344
  253. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_300000-310000 as ok (30.9% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:19:13 2020)
  254. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_370000-380000 to client localhost+4
  255. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_470000-480000 to database
  256. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 69754 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.310000-320000.gtig1xun.gz', total is now 807353/2385344
  257. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_310000-320000 as ok (33.8% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:18:17 2020)
  258. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_380000-390000 to client localhost
  259. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_480000-490000 to database
  260. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 65947 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.320000-330000.7vbziiur.gz', total is now 873300/2385344
  261. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_320000-330000 as ok (36.6% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:20:00 2020)
  262. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_390000-400000 to client localhost+6
  263. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_490000-500000 to database
  264. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 64144 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.330000-340000._azs34yh.gz', total is now 937444/2385344
  265. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_330000-340000 as ok (39.3% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:19:55 2020)
  266. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_400000-410000 to client localhost+2
  267. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_500000-510000 to database
  268. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 65374 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.340000-350000.na7x_9m4.gz', total is now 1002818/2385344
  269. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_340000-350000 as ok (42.0% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:19:19 2020)
  270. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_410000-420000 to client localhost+3
  271. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_510000-520000 to database
  272. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 61423 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.350000-360000.gme5i2mv.gz', total is now 1064241/2385344
  273. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_350000-360000 as ok (44.6% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:18:42 2020)
  274. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_420000-430000 to client localhost+5
  275. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_520000-530000 to database
  276. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 60585 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.360000-370000.ed75mltp.gz', total is now 1124826/2385344
  277. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_360000-370000 as ok (47.2% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:18:11 2020)
  278. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_430000-440000 to client localhost+4
  279. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_530000-540000 to database
  280. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 68625 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.370000-380000.fw65l5g8.gz', total is now 1193451/2385344
  281. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_370000-380000 as ok (50.0% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:17:53 2020)
  282. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_440000-450000 to client localhost
  283. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_540000-550000 to database
  284. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 61054 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.380000-390000.5j6tk6sg.gz', total is now 1254505/2385344
  285. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_380000-390000 as ok (52.6% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:18:53 2020)
  286. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_450000-460000 to client localhost+2
  287. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_550000-560000 to database
  288. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 58118 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.400000-410000.8mq0_a9p.gz', total is now 1312623/2385344
  289. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_400000-410000 as ok (55.0% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:19:01 2020)
  290. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_460000-470000 to client localhost+6
  291. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_560000-570000 to database
  292. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 64237 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.390000-400000.iybpq94b.gz', total is now 1376860/2385344
  293. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_390000-400000 as ok (57.7% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:18:29 2020)
  294. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_470000-480000 to client localhost+3
  295. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_570000-580000 to database
  296. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 62438 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.410000-420000.7qzt7_lu.gz', total is now 1439298/2385344
  297. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_410000-420000 as ok (60.3% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:18:13 2020)
  298. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_480000-490000 to client localhost+5
  299. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_580000-590000 to database
  300. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 58794 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.420000-430000.n8osi6aq.gz', total is now 1498092/2385344
  301. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_420000-430000 as ok (62.8% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:17:47 2020)
  302. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_490000-500000 to client localhost+4
  303. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_590000-600000 to database
  304. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 64483 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.430000-440000.wbyt2zb2.gz', total is now 1562575/2385344
  305. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_430000-440000 as ok (65.5% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:17:45 2020)
  306. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_500000-510000 to client localhost
  307. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_600000-610000 to database
  308. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 62700 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.440000-450000._1tfqw_h.gz', total is now 1625275/2385344
  309. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_440000-450000 as ok (68.1% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:18:28 2020)
  310. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_510000-520000 to client localhost+6
  311. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_610000-620000 to database
  312. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 59233 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.460000-470000.5dvcwxf_.gz', total is now 1684508/2385344
  313. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_460000-470000 as ok (70.6% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:18:27 2020)
  314. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_520000-530000 to client localhost+2
  315. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_620000-630000 to database
  316. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 61684 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.450000-460000.rgjjuf_g.gz', total is now 1746192/2385344
  317. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_450000-460000 as ok (73.2% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:18:05 2020)
  318. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_530000-540000 to client localhost+3
  319. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_540000-550000 to client localhost+5
  320. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_630000-640000 to database
  321. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_640000-650000 to database
  322. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 59514 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.470000-480000.583ynxiq.gz', total is now 1805706/2385344
  323. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_470000-480000 as ok (75.7% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:17:57 2020)
  324. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 60839 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.480000-490000.bk53whsu.gz', total is now 1866545/2385344
  325. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_480000-490000 as ok (78.3% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:17:34 2020)
  326. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_550000-560000 to client localhost+4
  327. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_650000-660000 to database
  328. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 58490 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.490000-500000.rafog6_h.gz', total is now 1925035/2385344
  329. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_490000-500000 as ok (80.7% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:17:34 2020)
  330. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_560000-570000 to client localhost
  331. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_660000-670000 to database
  332. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 59750 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.500000-510000.jxkk09pn.gz', total is now 1984785/2385344
  333. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_500000-510000 as ok (83.2% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:18:16 2020)
  334. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_570000-580000 to client localhost+2
  335. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_670000-680000 to database
  336. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 59024 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.520000-530000.s11seq0s.gz', total is now 2043809/2385344
  337. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_520000-530000 as ok (85.7% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:18:15 2020)
  338. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_580000-590000 to client localhost+6
  339. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_680000-690000 to database
  340. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 61421 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.510000-520000.1t19mh99.gz', total is now 2105230/2385344
  341. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_510000-520000 as ok (88.3% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:17:57 2020)
  342. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_590000-600000 to client localhost+5
  343. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_690000-700000 to database
  344. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 56497 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.540000-550000.umszrv49.gz', total is now 2161727/2385344
  345. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_540000-550000 as ok (90.6% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:17:45 2020)
  346. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 58455 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.530000-540000.1v40imxg.gz', total is now 2220182/2385344
  347. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_530000-540000 as ok (93.1% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:17:28 2020)
  348. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_600000-610000 to client localhost+3
  349. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_700000-710000 to database
  350. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_610000-620000 to client localhost+4
  351. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_710000-720000 to database
  352. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 58595 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.550000-560000.fv_3y5wz.gz', total is now 2278777/2385344
  353. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_550000-560000 as ok (95.5% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:17:28 2020)
  354. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_620000-630000 to client localhost
  355. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_720000-730000 to database
  356. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 59815 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.560000-570000.svss6lvl.gz', total is now 2338592/2385344
  357. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_560000-570000 as ok (98.0% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:18:06 2020)
  358. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_630000-640000 to client localhost+5
  359. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_730000-740000 to database
  360. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 55275 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.590000-600000.d7i874m8.gz', total is now 2393867/2385344
  361. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_590000-600000 as ok (100.4% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:18:08 2020)
  362. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_640000-650000 to client localhost+2
  363. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_740000-750000 to database
  364. Info:Lattice Sieving: Reached target of 2385344 relations, now have 2393867
  365. Info:Lattice Sieving: Aggregate statistics:
  366. Info:Lattice Sieving: Total number of relations: 2393867
  367. Info:Lattice Sieving: Average J: 1024 for 29801 special-q, max bucket fill -bkmult 1.0,1s:1.363630
  368. Info:Lattice Sieving: Total time: 3598.38s
  369. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Starting
  370. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Splitting 38 new files
  371. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_650000-660000 to client localhost+6
  372. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Relations per slice: 0: 1195185, 1: 1198682
  373. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Total cpu/real time for dup1: 5.91/7.38774
  374. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Aggregate statistics:
  375. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: CPU time for dup1: 7.2s
  376. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Starting
  377. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_660000-670000 to client localhost+3
  378. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_670000-680000 to client localhost+4
  379. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: 960178 unique relations remain on slice 0
  380. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_680000-690000 to client localhost
  381. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_690000-700000 to client localhost+5
  382. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_700000-710000 to client localhost+2
  383. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_710000-720000 to client localhost+3
  384. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_720000-730000 to client localhost+6
  385. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_730000-740000 to client localhost+4
  386. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: 963403 unique relations remain on slice 1
  387. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Of 2393867 newly added relations 1923581 were unique (ratio 0.803545)
  388. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: 1923581 unique relations remain in total
  389. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Total cpu/real time for dup2: 232.92/125.834
  390. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Aggregate statistics:
  391. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: CPU time for dup2: 12.3s
  392. Info:Filtering - Singleton removal: Starting
  393. Info:Filtering - Singleton removal: Reading 1923581 unique and 45062 free relations, total 1968643
  394. Warning:Command: Process with PID 299248 finished with return code 2
  395. Info:Filtering - Singleton removal: After purge, 654627 relations with 664672 primes remain with excess -10045
  396. Info:Filtering - Singleton removal: Not enough relations
  397. Info:Filtering - Singleton removal: Requesting 19235 additional relations
  398. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Got request for 1942816 (19235 additional) output relations, estimate 2417805 (23938 additional) needed in input
  399. Info:Lattice Sieving: New goal for number of relations is 2417805, currently have 2393867. Need to sieve more
  400. Info:Filtering - Singleton removal: Total cpu/real time for purge: 4.66/3.22915
  401. Info:Lattice Sieving: Starting
  402. Info:Lattice Sieving: We want 2417805 relation(s)
  403. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_750000-760000 to database
  404. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_760000-770000 to database
  405. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_770000-780000 to database
  406. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_780000-790000 to database
  407. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_790000-800000 to database
  408. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_800000-810000 to database
  409. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_810000-820000 to database
  410. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_820000-830000 to database
  411. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_830000-840000 to database
  412. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 61912 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.570000-580000.pevrcows.gz', total is now 2455779/2417805
  413. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_570000-580000 as ok (101.6% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:20:15 2020)
  414. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 60354 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.580000-590000.6bmkc9bd.gz', total is now 2516133/2417805
  415. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_580000-590000 as ok (104.1% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:19:56 2020)
  416. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 59540 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.600000-610000.7q_bsbnw.gz', total is now 2575673/2417805
  417. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_600000-610000 as ok (106.5% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:19:37 2020)
  418. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 58034 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.610000-620000.dzbt_3bg.gz', total is now 2633707/2417805
  419. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_610000-620000 as ok (108.9% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:19:20 2020)
  420. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 55320 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.620000-630000.dw4fcvv_.gz', total is now 2689027/2417805
  421. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_620000-630000 as ok (111.2% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:19:05 2020)
  422. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 51122 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.630000-640000._uzx1bky.gz', total is now 2740149/2417805
  423. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_630000-640000 as ok (113.3% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:18:51 2020)
  424. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 52426 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.640000-650000.j8ttpje4.gz', total is now 2792575/2417805
  425. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_640000-650000 as ok (115.5% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:18:37 2020)
  426. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 57358 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.650000-660000.vub54car.gz', total is now 2849933/2417805
  427. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_650000-660000 as ok (117.9% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:18:23 2020)
  428. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 54616 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.660000-670000.0mmxo427.gz', total is now 2904549/2417805
  429. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_660000-670000 as ok (120.1% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:18:09 2020)
  430. Info:Lattice Sieving: Found 52562 relations in '/tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1/c95.upload/c95.670000-680000.x2dcixhh.gz', total is now 2957111/2417805
  431. Info:Lattice Sieving: Marking workunit c95_sieving_670000-680000 as ok (122.3% => ETA Sat Jul 11 05:17:57 2020)
  432. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_740000-750000 to client localhost
  433. Info:Lattice Sieving: Adding workunit c95_sieving_840000-850000 to database
  434. Info:Lattice Sieving: Reached target of 2417805 relations, now have 2957111
  435. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Starting
  436. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Splitting 10 new files
  437. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Relations per slice: 0: 1476673, 1: 1480438
  438. Warning:Linear Algebra: some stats could not be displayed for linalg (see log file for debug info)
  439. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Starting
  440. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_750000-760000 to client localhost+5
  441. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_760000-770000 to client localhost+2
  442. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_770000-780000 to client localhost+3
  443. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_780000-790000 to client localhost+6
  444. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_790000-800000 to client localhost+4
  445. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: 1151072 unique relations remain on slice 0
  446. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_800000-810000 to client localhost
  447. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_810000-820000 to client localhost+5
  448. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_820000-830000 to client localhost+6
  449. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_830000-840000 to client localhost+2
  450. Info:HTTP server: Sending workunit c95_sieving_840000-850000 to client localhost+3
  451. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: 1154564 unique relations remain on slice 1
  452. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Of 563244 newly added relations 382055 were unique (ratio 0.678312)
  453. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: 2305636 unique relations remain in total
  454. Info:Filtering - Singleton removal: Starting
  455. Info:Filtering - Singleton removal: Reading 2305636 unique and 45062 free relations, total 2350698
  456. Info:Filtering - Singleton removal: After purge, 400654 relations with 400494 primes remain with weight 6996655 and excess 160
  457. Info:Filtering - Singleton removal: Have enough relations
  458. Info:HTTP server: Got notification to stop serving Workunits
  459. Info:Lattice Sieving: Cancelling remaining workunits
  460. Info:Client Launcher: Stopped client localhost (Host localhost, PID 296734)
  461. Info:Client Launcher: Stopped client localhost+2 (Host localhost, PID 296736)
  462. Info:Client Launcher: Stopped client localhost+3 (Host localhost, PID 296738)
  463. Info:Client Launcher: Stopped client localhost+4 (Host localhost, PID 296740)
  464. Info:Client Launcher: Stopped client localhost+5 (Host localhost, PID 296742)
  465. Info:Client Launcher: Stopped client localhost+6 (Host localhost, PID 296744)
  466. Info:Filtering - Merging: Starting
  467. Info:Filtering - Merging: Merged matrix has 91016 rows and total weight 13231818 (145.4 entries per row on average)
  468. Info:Linear Algebra: Starting
  469. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=64 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  470. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=128 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.006 s/iter]
  471. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=192 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.006 s/iter]
  472. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=256 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  473. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=320 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  474. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=384 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  475. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=448 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  476. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=512 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  477. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=576 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  478. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=640 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  479. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=704 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  480. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=768 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  481. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=832 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  482. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=896 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  483. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=960 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  484. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=1024 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  485. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=1088 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  486. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=1152 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  487. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=1216 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  488. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=1280 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  489. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=1344 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  490. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=1408 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  491. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=1472 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  492. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=1536 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  493. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=1600 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  494. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=1664 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  495. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=1728 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  496. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=1792 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  497. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=1856 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  498. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=1920 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  499. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=1984 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  500. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=2048 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  501. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=2112 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  502. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=2176 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  503. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=2240 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  504. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=2304 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  505. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=2368 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  506. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=2432 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  507. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=2496 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  508. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=2560 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  509. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=2624 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  510. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=2688 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  511. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=2752 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  512. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=2816 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:14 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  513. Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=2880 ; ETA (N=2880): Sat Jul 11 05:24:15 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  514. Info:Linear Algebra: lingen ETA: Sat Jul 11 05:24:16 2020
  515. Info:Linear Algebra: lingen ETA: Sat Jul 11 05:24:18 2020
  516. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=64 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:29 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  517. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=128 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:28 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  518. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=192 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:29 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  519. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=256 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:28 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  520. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=320 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:29 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  521. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=384 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:28 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  522. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=448 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:28 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  523. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=512 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:28 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  524. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=576 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:28 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  525. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=640 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:28 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  526. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=704 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:28 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  527. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=768 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:29 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  528. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=832 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:28 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  529. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=896 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:29 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  530. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=960 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:28 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  531. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=1024 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:29 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  532. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=1088 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:28 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  533. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=1152 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:28 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  534. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=1216 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:28 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  535. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=1280 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:28 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  536. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=1344 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:28 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  537. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=1408 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:28 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  538. Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=1422 ; ETA (N=1472): Sat Jul 11 05:24:28 2020 [0.007 s/iter]
  539. Info:Quadratic Characters: Starting
  540. Info:Square Root: Starting
  541. Info:Square Root: Creating file of (a,b) values
  542. Info:Square Root: finished
  543. Info:Square Root: Factors: 5882662189303137413042021569076752996489836845672351533 687282158304630200628747266365592320781
  544. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Aggregate statistics:
  545. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): potential collisions: 7181.67
  546. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): raw lognorm (nr/min/av/max/std): 7275/31.220/36.147/41.860/1.339
  547. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): optimized lognorm (nr/min/av/max/std): 4816/30.080/34.055/37.730/1.095
  548. Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Total time: 176.19
  549. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Aggregate statistics:
  550. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Total time: 74.35
  551. Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Rootsieve time: 58.47
  552. Info:Generate Factor Base: Total cpu/real time for makefb: 1.39/0.231279
  553. Info:Generate Free Relations: Total cpu/real time for freerel: 375.52/58.9282
  554. Info:Lattice Sieving: Aggregate statistics:
  555. Info:Lattice Sieving: Total number of relations: 2957111
  556. Info:Lattice Sieving: Average J: 1024 for 37388 special-q, max bucket fill -bkmult 1.0,1s:1.363630
  557. Info:Lattice Sieving: Total time: 4581.99s
  558. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Total cpu/real time for dup1: 7.32/10.1806
  559. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Aggregate statistics:
  560. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: CPU time for dup1: 9.8s
  561. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Total cpu/real time for dup2: 440.11/258.15
  562. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Aggregate statistics:
  563. Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: CPU time for dup2: 17.6s
  564. Info:Filtering - Singleton removal: Total cpu/real time for purge: 24.37/14
  565. Info:Filtering - Merging: Total cpu/real time for merge: 172.14/20.0127
  566. Info:Filtering - Merging: Total cpu/real time for replay: 3.32/2.64458
  567. Info:Linear Algebra: Total cpu/real time for bwc: 159.76/34.51
  568. Info:Linear Algebra: Aggregate statistics:
  569. Info:Linear Algebra: Krylov: WCT time 19.36, iteration CPU time 0.01, COMM 0.0, cpu-wait 0.0, comm-wait 0.0 (2880 iterations)
  570. Info:Linear Algebra: Lingen CPU time 14.41, WCT time 2.81
  571. Info:Linear Algebra: Mksol: WCT time 10.73, iteration CPU time 0.01, COMM 0.0, cpu-wait 0.0, comm-wait 0.0 (1472 iterations)
  572. Info:Quadratic Characters: Total cpu/real time for characters: 4.74/1.31515
  573. Info:Square Root: Total cpu/real time for sqrt: 85.42/14.5438
  574. Info:HTTP server: Shutting down HTTP server
  575. Info:Complete Factorization / Discrete logarithm: Total cpu/elapsed time for entire factorization: 10952.6/1163.51
  576. Info:root: Cleaning up computation data in /tmp/cado.vmmrgfy1
  577. 5882662189303137413042021569076752996489836845672351533 687282158304630200628747266365592320781
  578. neutron@Neutron:/me/cado-nfs/cado-nfs$

毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-11 12:41:04 | 显示全部楼层
.·.·. 发表于 2020-7-11 05:25

毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-11 13:01:13 | 显示全部楼层
.·.·. 发表于 2020-7-11 03:58
factorint(10^100+13,11)//用于分解小因子,11的意思是只用Pollard-Brent Rho and Shanks SQUFOF,Poll ...

毋因群疑而阻独见  毋任己意而废人言
毋私小惠而伤大体  毋借公论以快私情
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