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发表于 2012-1-28 21:27:00
- function [ s,error ] = Problem42
- % Thomas Schmelzer, November 2008
- % computes the limit of the Kempner series \sum_{n=1}^\infty 1/n
- % where n does not contain the substring "42" --- a problem that has been
- % proposed by Folkmar Bornemann. For details see
- % Schmelzer, Thomas; Robert Baillie (June朖uly 2008). "Summing a Curious,
- % Slowly Convergent Series". American Mathematical Monthly 115 (6): 525?40
- % exact solution: 228.44630 41592 30813 25414 80861 26250 58957 81629 ...
- %% given the recurrence matrix T, compute f,A and B.
- T = [1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1; 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 1];
- [I,J] = find(T); f = zeros(2,2,10); A = zeros(2,2);
- for s = 1:length(I)
- f(T(I(s),J(s)),I(s),J(s))=1;
- end
- for s = 0:9
- A = A + f(:,:,s+1)/10;
- end
- I = eye(size(A)); B = inv(I-A)-I;
- %% define the S_1 and S_2 explicitly for integers with up to 5 digits
- S = cell(5,2); S{1,1} = [1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9]; S{1,2} = 4;
- for i = 2:size(S,1)
- for m = 0:1:9 % possible digits to attend
- [J,L] = find(f(:,:,m+1));
- for s = 1:length(J)
- S{i,J(s)} = [S{i,J(s)},10*S{i-1,L(s)}+m];
- end
- end
- end
- %% define the numerical parameters
- K = 20; % extrapolation
- P = 30; % power cutoff
- Ignore = -22;
- Psi = zeros(K,2,P);
- % compute the sums Psi_{i} explicitly for up to 5 digits
- for i = 1:size(S,1)
- for k = 1:P
- Psi(i,1,k) = sum(S{i,1}.^(-k));
- Psi(i,2,k) = sum(S{i,2}.^(-k));
- end
- end
- warning('off','MATLAB:log:logOfZero');
- for i = size(S,1)+1:1:K
- for k = 1:P
- if (Psi(i-1,1,k)>0)
- for m = 0:9
- [J,L] = find(f(:,:,m+1));
- for s = 1:length(J)
- for w = 0:P-k
- if log10(abs(aCoeff(k,w,m))) + log10(abs(Psi(i-1,L(s),k+w))) > Ignore;
- Psi(i,J(s),k) = Psi(i,J(s),k)+aCoeff(k,w,m)*Psi(i-1,L(s),k+w);
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- warning('on','MATLAB:log:logOfZero');
- % Extrapolation
- s = sum(B*Psi(K,:,1)') + sum(sum(Psi(:,:,1)));
- error = 228.44630415923081325414 - s;
- function [ a ] = aCoeff( k,w,m )
- if (m+w==0)
- mw = 1;
- else
- mw = m^w;
- end
- a = 10^(-k-w)*mw*(-1)^w*nchoosek(k+w-1,w);
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