- 注册时间
- 2007-12-27
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- 1970-1-1
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楼主 |
发表于 2008-6-26 10:44:20
- // HugeCalcDemo.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
- //
- // Project -> Setting -> C/C++ -> Code Generation --> Use run-time library:
- // Win32 Debug: Debug Multithreaded DLL
- // Win32 Release: Multithreaded DLL
- // 以下代码源自 mathe 的,略有修改
- #include <time.h>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <list>
- using namespace std;
- #include "../../../HugeCalc_API/CppAPI/Include/HugeCalc.h" // 公共接口
- #include "../../../HugeCalc_API/CppAPI/Include/HugeInt.h" // 10进制系统
- #include "../../../HugeCalc_API/CppAPI/Include/HugeIntX.h" // 16进制系统
- #pragma message( "automatic link to ../../../HugeCalc_API/CppAPI/Lib/HugeCalc.lib" )
- #pragma comment( lib, "../../../HugeCalc_API/CppAPI/Lib/HugeCalc.lib" )
- #define SRC_NAME "flterm.txt"
- #if 1
- #define _Test_HI
- #define integer CHugeInt
- #else
- #define _Test_HX
- #define integer CHugeIntX
- #endif
- #define MAX_N 203280220
- unsigned int plist[MAX_N];
- #include "math.h"
- #include "memory.h"
- #include "windows.h"
- //**********************************************
- // n 不能大于L2 cache,否则效能很低
- DWORD Sift32(DWORD n,DWORD *primeTab)
- // 对0到n 之间(不包括n)的数进行筛选,返回质数的个数
- //**********************************************
- {
- BYTE *pBuff= new BYTE[n];
- if (pBuff==NULL)
- return 0;
- DWORD i,sqrt_n,p;
- DWORD pn;
- //----------------------------
- sqrt_n=(DWORD)(sqrt((double)n)+1);
- while (sqrt_n * sqrt_n >=n)
- sqrt_n--;
- memset(pBuff,1,n*sizeof(BYTE));
- *pBuff=0;
- *(pBuff+1)=0; //1不是质数
- *(pBuff+2)=1; //2是质数
- for ( i=4;i<n;i+=2) //筛去2的倍数,不包括2
- *(pBuff+i)=0;
- for (i=3;i<=sqrt_n;) //i 是质数
- {
- for (p=i*i;p<n; p+=2*i)
- *(pBuff+p)=0; //筛去i 的奇数倍
- i+=2;
- while ( *(pBuff+i)==0 )
- i++; //前进到下一个质数
- }
- pn=0; //素数个数
- for (i=2;i<n;i++)
- {
- if (pBuff[i])
- {
- primeTab[pn++]=i;
- }
- }
- delete[] pBuff;
- return pn;
- }
- #define L2_CACHE (2*1024*1024)
- static DWORD getSiftBuffLength()
- {
- DWORD n=L2_CACHE * 3/4;
- DWORD rem=n % 30;
- if (rem !=0)
- n-=rem;
- return n; //n must times of 30
- }
- //**********************************************
- // copy prime from psrc to primeTab
- // mode can be 4 or 8
- // if mode==4, primeTab will be consider as DWORD array
- // if mode==8, primeTab will be conseder ad UINT64 array
- // return total prime Count
- //**********************************************
- int copyL1PrimeToArray(const DWORD *psrc,int srcCount,void *primeTab,int primeBuffLen, int mode)
- {
- DWORD pr;
- int i;
- pr=0;
- if (mode==4)
- {
- DWORD *UINT32PrimeTab=(DWORD*)primeTab;
- for (i=0;i<srcCount && pr<primeBuffLen;i++)
- {
- UINT32PrimeTab[pr]=psrc[i];
- pr++;
- }
- for (;i<srcCount;i++ )
- { pr++; }
- }
- else if (mode==8)
- {
- UINT64 *UINT64PrimeTab=(UINT64*)primeTab;
- for (i=0;i<srcCount && pr<primeBuffLen;i++)
- {
- UINT64PrimeTab[pr]=(UINT64)psrc[i];
- pr++;
- }
- for (;i<srcCount;i++ )
- { pr++; }
- }
- return pr;
- }
- //**********************************************
- // mode can be 4 or 8
- // if mode==4, primeTab will be consider as DWORD array
- // if mode==8, primeTab will be conseder ad UINT64 array
- // return total prime Count
- //**********************************************
- static UINT64 GetPrimeFromSiftBuff(const BYTE *siftBuff,UINT64 begin, UINT64 end,
- void *primeTab,UINT64 currCount,UINT64 primeBuffLen, int mode)
- {
- UINT64 pr;
- int i;
- pr=currCount;
- DWORD *UINT32PrimeTab=(DWORD*)primeTab;
- UINT64 *UINT64PrimeTab=(UINT64*)primeTab;
- //-----------------------------------
- if (mode==4)
- {
- for (i=0;i<end-begin && pr < primeBuffLen;i++)
- {
- if (siftBuff[i]==1)
- {
- UINT64 p=begin+(UINT64)i;
- UINT32PrimeTab[pr]=(DWORD)p;
- pr++;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (mode==8)
- {
- for (i=0;i<end-begin && pr < primeBuffLen;i++)
- {
- if (siftBuff[i]==1)
- {
- UINT64 p=begin+(UINT64)i;
- UINT64PrimeTab[pr]=p;
- pr++;
- }
- }
- }
- for (;i<end-begin;i++)
- {
- if (siftBuff[i]==1)
- {
- pr++;
- }
- }
- return pr;
- }
- DWORD L1PrimeBuffLen;
- DWORD *L1PrimeTab;
- DWORD L1PrimeCount;
- void initSift(UINT64 n)
- {
- DWORD sqrt_n;
- double f;
- sqrt_n=(DWORD)(sqrt((double)n));
- sqrt_n=(sqrt_n+29)/30*30;
- f=(double)sqrt_n*10.0/9.0+32;
- L1PrimeBuffLen= (DWORD)f;
- L1PrimeTab= new DWORD[L1PrimeBuffLen];
- L1PrimeCount= Sift32(sqrt_n,L1PrimeTab);
- }
- //**********************************************
- // 使用普通分段筛的方法筛素数,
- // // mode can be 4 or 8
- // if mode==4, primeTab will be consider as DWORD array
- // if mode==8, primeTab will be conseder ad UINT64 array
- UINT64 generalSift(UINT64 begin, UINT64 end,void *primeTab, UINT64 primeTabLimtCount)
- // 对0到n 之间(不包括n)的数进行筛选,返回质数的个数
- //**********************************************
- {
- DWORD siftBuffLen;
- UINT64 pr=0;
- siftBuffLen=end-begin;
- BYTE *siftBuff=new BYTE[siftBuffLen];
- if (siftBuff==NULL)
- return 0;
- {
- DWORD dwPrime,endPrime;
- UINT64 begIndex;
- DWORD endIdx;
- int idx,i;
- endIdx=end-begin;
- memset(siftBuff,1,siftBuffLen);
- endPrime= (DWORD)sqrt((double)end)+1;
- while (endPrime*endPrime>=end)
- endPrime--;
- i=0;
- while (true)
- {
- DWORD inc;
- UINT64 t;
- dwPrime=L1PrimeTab[i];
- if (dwPrime * dwPrime>=end)
- break;
- t=(begin+dwPrime-1)/dwPrime;
- if ( t<dwPrime)
- t=dwPrime;
- if (dwPrime==2)
- {
- idx=(int)(t * dwPrime-begin);
- while (idx<endIdx)
- {
- siftBuff[idx]=0;
- idx+=dwPrime;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ( t % 2==0)
- t++; //素数的奇数倍
- inc= dwPrime+dwPrime;
- idx=(int)(t * dwPrime-begin);
- while (idx<endIdx)
- {
- siftBuff[idx]=0;
- idx+=inc;
- }
- }
- i++;
- }
- pr=GetPrimeFromSiftBuff(siftBuff,begin,end,primeTab,pr,primeTabLimtCount,8);
- }
- delete[] siftBuff;
- return pr;
- }
- int search_match_prime(unsigned value)
- {
- int start=0,mid,end=MAX_N-1;
- mid=(start+end)/2;
- while(end-start>=2){
- if(plist[mid]<value){
- start=mid;
- }else{
- end=mid;
- }
- mid=(start+end)/2;
- }
- return mid;
- }
- bool is_list(int num, unsigned long long sum)
- {
- unsigned long long aver=sum/num;
- integer start(aver),end,sump(0);
- start.NextPrime(start);
- int prevc,nextc;
- prevc=num/2;
- nextc=num-1-prevc;
- int i;
- sump=end=start;
- for(i=0;i<nextc;i++){
- integer tmp(end);
- end.NextPrime(tmp);
- sump+=end;
- }
- for(i=0;i<prevc;i++){
- integer tmp(start);
- start.PreviousPrime(tmp);
- sump+=start;
- }
- if(sump<integer(sum)){
- while(sump<integer(sum)){
- integer newp;
- newp.NextPrime(end);
- sump+=newp-start;
- integer tmp(start);
- start.NextPrime(tmp);
- end=newp;
- }
- }else{
- while(sump>integer(sum)){
- integer newp;
- newp.PreviousPrime(start);
- sump-=end-newp;
- integer tmp(end);
- end.PreviousPrime(tmp);
- start=newp;
- }
- }
- return sump==integer(sum);
- }
- #define MF 2007
- #define MS 979
- void candidate(unsigned long long x)
- {
- integer y((unsigned long long)x);
- if(!y.IsPrime())
- return;
- if(!is_list(45,x))
- return;
- printf("Cand45: %lld\n",x);
- if(!is_list(17,x))
- return;
- printf("Cand17: %lld\n",x);
- if(!is_list(3,x))
- return;
- printf("Find: %lld\n",x);
- }
- #define BLOCK_SIZE 10000000
- #define TAB_LEN 689388
- UINT64 primeTabMF[MF+TAB_LEN];
- UINT64 primeTabMS[MS+TAB_LEN];
- UINT64 pMFblock,pMSblock;
- UINT64 pMFcount,pMScount;
- void msNextBlock()
- {
- memmove(primeTabMS,primeTabMS+pMScount-MS+1,(MS-1)*sizeof(UINT64));
- start:
- pMSblock+=BLOCK_SIZE;
- pMScount=generalSift(pMSblock,pMSblock+BLOCK_SIZE,primeTabMS+MS-1,TAB_LEN);
- if(pMScount==0)goto start;
- pMScount+=MS-1;
- }
- void mfNextBlock()
- {
- memmove(primeTabMF,primeTabMF+pMFcount-MF+1,(MF-1)*sizeof(UINT64));
- start:
- pMFblock+=BLOCK_SIZE;
- pMFcount=generalSift(pMFblock,pMFblock+BLOCK_SIZE,primeTabMF+MF-1,TAB_LEN);
- if(pMFcount==0)goto start;
- pMFcount+=MF-1;
- }
- int main(int argc, char* argv[])
- {
- int i;
- long long sumMF=0;
- long long sumMS=0;
- long long max_sum=2000000000000000000LL;
- initSift(10000000000000000LL);
- pMFcount=generalSift(0,BLOCK_SIZE,primeTabMF,TAB_LEN);
- pMScount=generalSift(0,BLOCK_SIZE,primeTabMS,TAB_LEN);
- printf("Init finished\n");
- for(i=0;i<MS;i++){
- sumMS+=primeTabMF[i];
- }
- sumMF=sumMS;
- for(;i<MF;i++){
- sumMF+=primeTabMF[i];
- }
- int iMF=0,iMS=0;
- while(sumMF<=max_sum){
- while(sumMS<sumMF){
- sumMS+=primeTabMS[iMS+MS]-primeTabMS[iMS];
- iMS++;
- if(iMS>=pMScount-MS){
- msNextBlock();
- iMS=0;
- }
- }
- if(sumMS==sumMF){
- candidate(sumMF);
- }
- sumMF+=primeTabMF[iMF+MF]-primeTabMF[iMF];
- iMF++;
- if(iMF>=pMFcount-MF){
- mfNextBlock();
- iMF=0;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
复制代码 不知道代码是否正确。
Cand45: 1453832430671
Cand45: 3937966662683 |