楼主: mathe

[转载] 抛硬币出现连续正面的概率

 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-21 14:48:34 | 显示全部楼层
由此我们可以得到 $b(n)="round"({r^{-1}(r-1)}/{(t+1)r-2t}r^n)$ 而抛硬币n次出现连续t次正面的概率为 $p(n)=1-{"round"({r-1}/{(t+1)r-2t}r^{n+1})}/{2^n}; r>1&&r^{t+1}-2r^t+1=0$
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-25 09:44:34 | 显示全部楼层
Now we could summarize how the formula of t-step Fibonacci sequence is got. In 9#, we got the characteristic polynomial of the Linear recurrence equation of the t-step Fibonacci sequence: ${x^{t+1}-2x^t+1}/{x-1}$. According to link solutions of equation $x^m=2-x^{-n}$, we could use Rouché's Theorem to prove that there's only one root of polynomial $x^{t+1}-2x^t+1$ whose norm is greater than 1 and t-1 roots whose norms are less than 1. And obviously, the root with greatest norm is a real root greater than 1. Let's assuming that the real root greater than 1 is r, and besides from $1/{z_0}=1$ and $1/{z_1}=r$, there're another t-1 roots of polynomial $x^{t+1}-2x^t+1$. Let's assuming they're $1/{z_2},1/{z_3},...,1/{z_t}$. And it is obvious there're no multiple roots. So that we could write the n'th item of the t-step Fibonacii sequence in the form: $u_1z_1^{-n}+u_2z_2^{-n}+...+u_{t}z_t^{-n}$, and we got that $u_s={z_s-1}/{2t-(t+1)z_s^{-1}}$ Now let's assuming $e_n = F_n^{(t)} - u_1 z_1^{-n} = u_2z_2^{-n}+...+u_{t}z_t^{-n}$, so we know that the characteristic polynomial of $e(n)$ is ${x^{t+1}-2x^t+1}/{(x-1)(x-r)}$. In 30#, a probability modeling is used to prove that $|e(n)|<1/2$. Let's assuming a man is randomly walking in an axis. He starts from a positive integer location in the axis and each time he random walks towards the positive direction by 1 or towards the negative direction by t with equivalent probability. And he will stop when he reached a point whose coordinate is no more than 1. We will give a score $e(x)$ to him when he finally stops at coordinate x. We know the probablity that he will finally stop is 1 when t is no less than 1. It is interesting that we could find that the expected score is $e_n$ when he starts from point whose coordinate is n. In 29# it is proved that the absolute values of all those final scores ($e(-t+2)$ to $e(1)$) are less than $1/2$, so we proved that $|e_n|<1/2$ for all $n>=-t+2$ So we know now that $F_n^{(t)}$ could be represented by $"round"(u_1 z_1^{-n})$, or $F_n^{(t)}="round"({r-1}/{(t+1)r-2t}r^{n-1})$ for any $n>=-t+2$, where r is t-bonacci constant.
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发表于 2009-2-11 12:37:49 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-13 08:21:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-3-9 17:14:38 | 显示全部楼层
whoops... i just did something silly... fortunately the posted comment can be edited...
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发表于 2012-2-11 13:43:20 | 显示全部楼层
其中$z_1^{-1}$我们可以通过取初试值为$1/2$然后用牛顿迭代法得到 记$r=z_1^{-1}$ 而递推式中其他各式绝对值都远远小于,所以我们得到,对于n充分大 $b(n)="round"({r^{-1}(1-r)}/{2t-(t+1)r} r^{n})$ mathe 发表于 2008-7-19 08:19
此公式非常漂亮。 请教mathe:此公式是只有正反两种情况下的计算方法,是否能推广为m种情况的计算公式? 即:n 个 大 小 相 同 的 小 球 排 成 一 排,给 每 个 球 涂 上 m 种 颜 色 的 一 种,要 求 相 邻 颜 色 相 同 小 球 个 数 小 于 t 个,问 有 几 种 不 同 涂 法?
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发表于 2012-2-12 11:32:03 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-2-14 21:55:12 | 显示全部楼层
请教mathe:是否能推广为m种情况的计算公式? 即:n 个 大 小 相 同 的 小 球 排 成 一 排,每 个 球 的 颜 色 为 m 种 颜 色 的 一 种,如 果 相 邻 小 球 颜 色 为 指 定 的 一 种 颜 色(m种颜色中一种)时,这 些 相 邻 小 球 个 数 小 于 t 个,问 有 几 种 不 同 排 列 方 法?
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发表于 2012-2-15 12:42:39 | 显示全部楼层
我自己演算的16次抛硬币里面,无法出现连续2次正面的几率: 0.0049591064453125 请老大用公式演算一下


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发表于 2012-2-17 09:15:29 | 显示全部楼层
我自己演算的16次抛硬币里面,无法出现连续2次正面的几率: 0.0049591064453125 请老大用公式演算一下 沉默的见证 发表于 2012-2-15 12:42
按老大计算公式,无法出现连续2次正面的几率=0.039428711 你的计算有问题
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