- 注册时间
- 2008-2-6
- 最后登录
- 1970-1-1
- 威望
- 星
- 金币
- 枚
- 贡献
- 分
- 经验
- 点
- 鲜花
- 朵
- 魅力
- 点
- 上传
- 次
- 下载
- 次
- 积分
- 51576
- 在线时间
- 小时
发表于 2008-7-31 08:43:04
所以过4个小时将超越38小时的运行结果哦- program square;
- uses SysUtils;
- const
- TenPower = 10000;
- StatusFileName = 'Square.Status';
- LogFileName = 'Square.Log';
- BlockSize = 8;
- BoolSize = 320;
- type
- TStatus = record
- S:array[0..BoolSize - 1] of integer;
- SquareValue:array[0..BlockSize - 1] of integer;
- Delta:array[0..BlockSize - 1] of integer;
- end;
- var
- Status:TStatus;
- StatusFile: File of TStatus;
- LogFile:TextFile;
- SumOfDigit4: array[0..TenPower - 1] of integer;
- ExeFilePath: string;
- Counter:Integer;
- s: integer;
- procedure WriteLog (s:string);
- begin
- Assign (LogFile, ExeFilePath + LogFileName);
- if FileExists(ExeFilePath + LogFileName) then
- Append (LogFile)
- else
- Rewrite (LogFile);
- writeln (LogFile, s);
- Close (LogFile);
- end;
- procedure InitStatus;
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- for I := 0 to BoolSize - 1 do
- Status.s[i]:= 0;
- for i := 0 to BlockSize - 1 do
- begin
- status.SquareValue[i]:= 0;
- status.delta[i]:= 0;
- end;
- Status.Delta[0]:= 1;
- end;
- procedure ReadStatus;
- begin
- Assign (StatusFile, ExeFilePath + StatusFileName);
- if FileExists(ExeFilePath + StatusFileName) then
- begin
- Reset (StatusFile);
- Read (StatusFile, Status);
- Close (StatusFile);
- end
- else
- InitStatus;
- end;
- procedure WriteStatus;
- begin
- Assign (StatusFile, ExeFilePath + StatusFileName);
- Rewrite (StatusFile);
- Write (StatusFile, Status);
- Close (StatusFile);
- end;
- procedure InitSumOfDigit4;
- var
- i3, i2, i1, i0, k:integer;
- begin
- k:= 0;
- for I3 := 0 to 9 do
- for I2 := 0 to 9 do
- for I1 := 0 to 9 do
- for I0 := 0 to 9 do
- begin
- SumOfDigit4[k]:= i3 + i2 + i1 + i0;
- INC (k);
- end;
- end;
- procedure WriteResult;
- var
- Str:String[128];
- i:integer;
- begin
- Str:= '';
- for i := BlockSize-1 downto 0 do
- if Status.SquareValue[i] > 0 then
- Str:= str + Format ('%4d', [Status.SquareValue[i]]);
- writeln (DateTimeToStr (now) + ': ' + IntToStr (s) + ' ' + str);
- writelog (DateTimeToStr (now) + ': ' + IntToStr (s) + ' ' + str);
- end;
- label label0, label1;
- begin
- WriteLog ('程序启动: ' + DateTimeToStr (now));
- WriteLn ('程序启动: ' + DateTimeToStr (now));
- ExeFilePath:= ExtractFilePath (ParamStr(0));
- Counter:= 0;
- InitSumOfDigit4;
- ReadStatus;
- WriteLog ('初始化完成: ' + DateTimeToStr (now));
- WriteLn ('初始化完成: ' + DateTimeToStr (now));
- //ADDDelta
- asm
- label0:
- mov eax, dword ptr [Status.SquareValue]
- add eax,dword ptr [Status.Delta]
- mov ebx,dword ptr [Status.SquareValue + 4]
- add ebx,dword ptr [Status.Delta + 4]
- mov esi, eax
- sub esi, TenPower
- cmovnc eax, esi
- cmc
- adc ebx, 0
- mov edx,dword ptr [SumOfDigit4 + 4 * eax]
- mov dword ptr [Status.SquareValue], eax
- mov eax,dword ptr [Status.SquareValue + 8]
- add eax,dword ptr [Status.Delta + 8]
- mov edi, ebx
- sub edi, TenPower
- cmovnc ebx, edi
- cmc
- adc eax, 0
- mov dword ptr [Status.SquareValue + 4], ebx
- add edx,dword ptr [SumOfDigit4 + 4 * ebx]
- mov ebx,dword ptr [Status.SquareValue + 12]
- add ebx,dword ptr [Status.Delta + 12]
- mov esi, eax
- sub esi, TenPower
- cmovnc eax, esi
- cmc
- adc ebx, 0
- mov dword ptr [Status.SquareValue + 8], eax
- add edx,dword ptr [SumOfDigit4 + 4 * eax]
- mov eax,dword ptr [Status.SquareValue + 16]
- mov edi, ebx
- sub edi, TenPower
- cmovnc ebx, edi
- cmc
- adc eax, 0
- mov dword ptr [Status.SquareValue + 12], ebx
- add edx,dword ptr [SumOfDigit4 + 4 * ebx]
- mov ebx,dword ptr [Status.SquareValue + 20]
- mov esi, eax
- sub esi, TenPower
- cmovnc eax, esi
- cmc
- adc ebx, 0
- mov dword ptr [Status.SquareValue + 16], eax
- add edx,dword ptr [SumOfDigit4 + 4 * eax]
- mov eax,dword ptr [Status.SquareValue + 24]
- mov edi, ebx
- sub edi, TenPower
- cmovnc ebx, edi
- cmc
- adc eax, 0
- mov dword ptr [Status.SquareValue + 20], ebx
- add edx,dword ptr [SumOfDigit4 + 4 * ebx]
- mov ebx,dword ptr [Status.SquareValue + 28]
- mov esi, eax
- sub esi, TenPower
- cmovnc eax, esi
- cmc
- adc ebx, 0
- mov dword ptr [Status.SquareValue + 24], eax
- mov dword ptr [Status.SquareValue + 28], ebx
- add edx,dword ptr [SumOfDigit4 + 4 * eax]
- add edx,dword ptr [SumOfDigit4 + 4 * ebx]
- mov dword ptr [s], edx
- mov eax, 1
- xchg eax,dword ptr [Status.S + 4 * edx]
- cmp eax, 1
- je label1
- call WriteResult;
- label1:
- mov eax,dword ptr [Status.Delta]
- mov ebx,dword ptr [Status.Delta + 4]
- mov ecx,dword ptr [Status.Delta + 8]
- mov edx,dword ptr [Status.Delta + 12]
- add eax, 2
- mov esi, eax
- sub esi, TenPower
- cmovnc eax, esi
- cmc
- adc ebx, 0
- mov edi, ebx
- sub edi, TenPower
- cmovnc ebx, edi
- cmc
- adc ecx, 0
- mov esi, ecx
- sub esi, TenPower
- cmovnc ecx, esi
- cmc
- adc edx, 0
- mov dword ptr [Status.Delta], eax
- mov dword ptr [Status.Delta + 4], ebx
- mov dword ptr [Status.Delta + 8], ecx
- mov dword ptr [Status.Delta + 12], edx
- inc dword ptr [Counter]
- jne Label0
- call WriteStatus
- jmp label0
- end;
- end.
复制代码 下面是三个我编译的程序
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